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Athlete’s Foot vs. Eczema

How to tell the difference

When irritation develops on your feet, it’s easy to confuse athlete’s foot with eczema. Both conditions can cause itching, redness, and discomfort, but they’re driven by different factors and need different approaches to manage. This article will help you understand the differences between athlete’s foot and eczema on feet, so you can better identify your symptoms and consider effective next steps.

Understanding Athlete’s Foot vs Eczema

Athlete’s foot and eczema are two distinct skin conditions, although they can sometimes look alike. Athlete’s foot is caused by a fungal infection that thrives in warm, damp environments, often picked up in places like communal gyms, pools, and locker rooms.

Eczema, on the other hand, is an inflammatory skin condition, not caused by a fungus. Instead, it results from a mix of genetic, environmental, and immune factors, causing dryness, redness, and irritation (source).

Understanding this difference in causes is key. While athlete’s foot is contagious, eczema is not. This can be important when considering preventative steps, particularly in shared spaces.

Comparing Symptoms: Athlete’s Foot and Eczema on Feet

One of the main ways to tell athlete’s foot apart from eczema is by looking at the symptoms. While both can cause discomfort and itching, the types of irritation can vary (source):

SymptomAthlete’s FootEczema
ItchingOften intense, especially between toes.Varies from mild to severe, may be constant and can occur on various foot areas.
Skin TextureScaly, flaky, with possible peeling.Dry, red patches that may ooze or blister.
BlistersSmall blisters may form in some cases.May appear with certain types of eczema, like dyshidrotic eczema on feet.
Cracking or BleedingCan occur if untreated or scratched.Less common, though skin may become dry enough to crack.
LocationUsually starts between toes and can spread to other parts of the foot.Can appear on toes, heels, bottom of feet, or other areas of the feet.

These symptoms can overlap, making diagnosis difficult at home. If you’re unsure, consulting with a healthcare professional helps identify the root cause and explore ways to relieve symptoms. For more details on athlete’s foot symptoms and treatments, you can visit our article what is athlete’s foot.

Athlete’s Foot or Eczema: Commonly Affected Areas

Another way to distinguish athlete’s foot from eczema on the feet is by looking at the areas most commonly affected.

  • Athlete’s Foot Locations: The infection often starts between the toes, particularly the fourth and fifth toes. In some cases, it can spread to the sole or heel if it worsens, resulting in scaling and peeling.
  • Eczema Locations: Eczema might affect the top of the feet, the heels, and even the bottom of the feet. Eczema between the toes is also possible but tends to appear in larger patches or dry, scaly areas. Unlike athlete’s foot, which thrives in moist areas, eczema can flare up in dry or irritated skin.

Diagnosing Athlete’s Foot vs Eczema

When you visit a healthcare provider to understand if your symptoms are due to eczema or athlete’s foot, they’ll begin by examining your feet and asking questions about your symptoms and any recent changes in your environment or skincare routine. Because athlete’s foot is a fungal infection, your provider may take a small skin sample to check for signs of fungus, which can confirm this diagnosis.

If eczema is suspected, they may ask whether you experience similar irritation on other parts of your body, as eczema can affect multiple areas. Your provider will look for specific signs of eczema, like dryness, redness, or small blisters, to help clarify the cause of your symptoms.

Go to our article treating and preventing athlete’s foot for more insight into care options for athlete’s foot.

Treatment for Athlete’s Foot and Eczema

Since athlete’s foot and eczema stem from different causes, the treatments for each condition vary. Here’s a comparison to give you a better understanding of what each treatment approach might involve:

Athlete’s footEczema
Antifungal Creams: Over-the-counter or prescription antifungal creams are often effective for clearing infection.

Foot Hygiene: Keeping feet clean and dry, changing socks regularly, and wearing breathable shoes are key for preventing reinfection.

Medications: For severe cases, an oral antifungal medication may be prescribed by a healthcare provider.
Moisturizers and Emollients: Daily moisturizing helps soothe and protect dry skin, which can ease irritation.

Topical Steroids: Prescription creams may help reduce inflammation during flare-ups.

Avoiding Triggers: Identifying and avoiding irritants, like certain soaps or allergens, can reduce flare-ups.

Hydration: Staying hydrated and using a humidifier in dry climates can be beneficial for eczema-prone skin.

For additional guidance, check out our article on treating and preventing athlete’s foot.

Preventative Care for Athlete’s Foot and Eczema

Taking steps to prevent flare-ups can be beneficial for both athlete’s foot and eczema. Although prevention methods differ due to the causes of each condition, focusing on keeping good hygiene is often effective.

Preventing Athlete’s Foot

Since athlete’s foot thrives in damp conditions, keeping feet dry and clean is important. Wearing breathable footwear and changing socks frequently can reduce moisture build-up. It’s helpful to wear shower shoes in shared spaces like gyms, as this reduces exposure to fungi that may cause infections. For more in-depth information, read our guide on preventing Athlete’s Foot.

Preventing Eczema on Feet

Eczema prevention focuses on moisturizing regularly to avoid dryness and irritation. Avoiding harsh soaps or prolonged exposure to hot water can also help reduce foot eczema flare-ups. If you’re prone to eczema, choosing footwear that doesn’t rub or cause friction can help maintain comfort. (source)


Both athlete’s foot and eczema on feet can cause similar symptoms, but understanding their differences can help in finding the right relief. how athlete’s foot and eczema appear, where they affect the feet, and how to prevent them can make daily care more manageable.

If you’re unsure which condition you may have, consulting with a healthcare provider can be the best way forward.